A couple of days ago, as I searched for Easter basket fillings...I realized that Costa Rica doesn't really do Easter baskets. So...I wanted to make something special to add to the non-Easter candy. I found patterns for some cute Amigurumi Egg Cozies on the Lion Brand free patttern index. I wasn't wild about using them as egg cozies, though, so I adapted the pattern to make actual eggs, changed the original a bit and then added some of my own special touches for my children who have very specific favorite colors. Here is what I came up with. (Pattern for printing )
The little lambs are a direct borrow from the Lion Brand pattern. Aren't they cute?
The striped egg was my idea for my 2 year old son who loves red because Elmo is red. So this egg is the color of Elmo and Elmo's nose. (It's only 9 am on Easter morning here...and this one has already been used to bonk his sister in the face...oh well)
Here is my addapted version of the patern, again.
By the way...I'm very proud of myself right now because this is the first pattern I have used and the first pattern that I have written down. It's amazing, using a pattern IS much easier than just crocheting free-hand :-)
Happy Easter! Christ has risen indeed!